Please enter your name and a secret to uniquely identify you.
This is not an account. It is just used to identify your current session.
If you get disconnected during a game, you can use your secret to get
back in. When you "Logout", your name and secret will be forgotten by
the system. If you do not specifically logout, your name and secret will
eventually be forgotten since it is not intended to be a permanent
identification. You can use a different secret every time you access
this system.

=========================== Game Instructions ===========================

Can't Stop

For 2 to 4 players.

How to Play


Be the first to capture 3 Numbers.

On Your Turn

Roll 4 dice: Form 2 pairs of 2 dice. There are always 3 ways to pair
the four dice (A,B,C,D): (1) A+B C+D, (2) A+C B+D, and (3) A+D B+C.
[However, if any 2 or 3 dice have the number, 2 or 3 of the options will
give the same result.] The sum of each pair are the Numbers you are
picking. Once you choose how you want to pair the dice you MUST make use
of both Numbers if possible. In some scenarios, it will be possible to
use EITHER, but not BOTH, of the numbers. In that case, you will get
to choose which Number to use.
Use the Numbers: If you have a runner (white marker) on the board in that
Number's column, move the runner up 1 space. If you don't have a runner
in that Number's column and there is a free (not yet on the board) runner,
put a free runner at the bottom of that Number's column.
Assuming you were able to make some progress (moving or adding a runner),
you can choose to roll again or pass. As long as you keep making progress,
you will get to choose to roll again or pass.
PASS: If you choose to pass, you can lock in your progress. You replace
the runners with markers of your color (if there already is a marker of
your color in the column, move it up, otherwise add one to the board).
Your turn is over. On future turns, you choose Numbers by pairing as you
did in your first turn. If you happen to choose a Number which already
has your color in its column, the runner is placed 1 spot above your
marker instead of at the bottom.
BUST: If you ever roll and are not able to make progress, you bust. Any
runners on the board are removed and your turn is over. Any markers of
your color remain on the board.

Capturing a Number

When you move a runner to cover up the number at the top of the column,
you have captured the Number (temporarily). It is no longer possible to
"make progress" using that Number in this turn, so if you choose to roll
again, you must be able to make progress with another runner. If you
choose to pass when a Number is captured, you replace the runner with a
marker of your color and you have captured the number permanently. Once
a number is captured, it is out of the game and can no longer be used by
any player. Any of your opponents' markers in the column are removed.

Keep in Mind

Early in the game, it is usually safe to keep rolling as long as
you have 1 or more free runners because you can always place a free
runner on the board to make progress. But as more and more Numbers
are captured, it becomes easier to bust even if you have a free runner.
Consider if you rolled three 4s and one 2: Any way you pair the dice,
you get 6 and 8. If 6 and 8 are both captured (even if they are
temporarily captured with a runner), you bust.

Optional Rules/Variations

By default, these options will be turned off, but you can turn them on
when creating a game and they will be enforced.